
  • 类型:剧情片地区:英国年份:1994
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:加里·奥德曼,杰罗恩·克拉比,伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼,约翰娜·特尔·斯蒂格,马科·霍夫斯奇奈德,米瑞安·玛格莱斯,巴瑞·哈姆弗莱斯,瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺,GerardHoran,克里斯托弗·富尔福德,亚历山德拉·皮格,路易吉·迪贝尔蒂,迈克尔·卡尔金,DonalGibson,MatthewNorth
  • 导演:伯纳德·罗斯
  • 简介:音乐巨匠贝多芬(加里·奥德曼GaryOldman饰)去世,学生辛德勒(杰罗恩·克拉比JeroenKrabbé饰)在他的..详细>




视频:7.91GB 画幅:21:9全面屏电影的最后10分钟都献给了这份串联电影的三封情书信写给“永恒的愛人”究竟是那个与贝多芬有交集的女人来吧,我们伴随着强大的电影BGM和富有磁性的画外音重新揭示这封谜一样的“情书”*【以下截图尽可能还原中英文对白,我不会翻译都是电影截图】我的天使My angel我的一切…my all…我的另一个我…my other self.(又译:我的另一半)Just a few words today,and that in pencilJust a few words today,and that in pencil(一译:今天,我只能写上几句,要用铅笔来写(这是你的铅笔)。)Yours.Only tomorrow will I know for certain where I am to stay.(一译:)因为,要到明天,我的居所才能确定下来,A worthless waste of time and such.多么无谓的时间浪费啊!Why this deep sorrow?(一译:在相互需要时,为什么会出现这种深深的忧伤?)If we could be united, we would feel this pain no longer.Where I am you are with me too.Soon we shall live together, and what a life it will beSoon we shall live together, and what a life it will beThe journey was dreadful.I did not arrive here until 4 in the morning. I did not arrive here until 4 in the morning. At the last stop, they warned me against traveling at night, and tried to frighten me about a forest, but that 中文字幕简体与繁体的差异(截了2幅下同)At the last stop, they warned me against traveling at night, At the last stop, they warned me against traveling at night, and tried to frighten me about a forest, but that only tempted me. but that only tempted me. The coach had to go and break down on? Such a terrible road for no reason. The coach had to go and break down on? Such a terrible road for no reason. Just a country road, and now I am held up completely. Just a country road, and now I am held up completely. But I have found another, and we will surely see one another soon.But I have found another, and we will surely see one another soon. But I have found another, and we will surely see one another soon. Today, I hope. Today, I hope. I have to see you. I have to see you. However much you love me, I love you more.However much you love me, I love you more. However much you love me, I love you more. Never hide yourself from me. Never hide yourself from me. 画面注释:邮车比人先到,但是,一切失之交臂While still in my bed, my thoughts turn to youWhile still in my bed, my thoughts turn to you While still in my bed, my thoughts turn to you my immortal beloved… my immortal beloved !Some of them happy, some sad,看命运的安排吧…waiting to see whether fate will hear us.I can live only completely with you or not at all.Yes! It must be. Yes! It must be. I must go to sleep now.Be calm, love. Be calm, love. Today, yesterday, what longing with tears for you. Today, yesterday, what longing with tears for you. You...You're my life.My everything.Farewell, then.Go on loving me. Farewell, then.Go on loving me. Ever yours, ever mine, Ever yours, ever mine, forever永远forever永远【电影结束】情书到此为止~~~2019-12-28~29凌晨截图修改完毕感谢收看【附录】附美文翻译版: 7月6日早晨 我的天使,我的一切,我唯一的珍爱。今天,我只能写上几句,要用铅笔来写(这是你的铅笔)。因为,要到明天,我的居所才能确定下来,多么无谓的时间浪费啊! 在相互需要时,为什么会出现这种深深的忧伤——我们的爱情能不能在无需做出牺牲、相互一无所有的情况下天长地久;你能不能改变你我相互不能全身心拥有这个事实。哦,天哪,看看这大自然之美吧,它一定会使你的心情得到无比慰藉。爱情要求一切,天经地义——正如你之于我,我之于你。但是你却时常忘记,我必须为你为我而活。倘若我们完全融为一体,你会像我一样少受煎熬。  我的旅程充满惊吓:昨天凌晨4点才抵达此地。由于马匹不够,邮车只好改道,但这条路线非常可怕。启程之前,有人告诫我夜间不要赶路;我本来看到树林就觉心慌,可这却使我更加情急心切,赶快行进,但是我错了。在这泥泞不堪、恶劣崎岖的道路上,邮车必定会颠得散架。如果不是身旁马夫的驾驭本领,我会被困在路上。“埃斯特哈齐”邮车常走这条路,用8匹马拉车,可碰到的也与我4匹马拉的是同样的问题,我不免有点庆幸,正如我成功地克服困难后总会感到庆幸那样。  好,闲话少说,言归正传。我们肯定不日即将见面。此外,今天我还不能把近日来触及我生活的种种想法告诉你。如果我们总是心心相印,我就不会有这些想法了。此时此刻,我有千言万语要向你倾诉,啊,有时我会感到语言是那么苍白无力。高兴起来吧,继续做我真诚的挚爱、我唯一的珍爱、我的一切吧,我是属于你的。上天一定会让我们如愿以偿。  你忠实的路德维希 (摘自网络)英文原文截自豆瓣:永恒的谜题(不朽真情影评)*(本人英文文盲,期待有识之士准确翻译和校正)个别截图英文原文重复和词不达意或者图文不符见谅!


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