
  • 类型:喜剧片地区: 美国年份:1989
  • 状态:更新HD中字
  • 主演:布巴·史密斯,大卫·格拉夫,迈克尔·温斯洛
  • 导演:彼得·博内兹
  • 简介:犯罪风潮正在席卷城市,哈里上尉和他的蹩脚助手已经对肆虐城市的威尔逊海兹团伙无能为力。上峰不满,派来强援协助哈里,于是拉..详细>


 W.B.Yeats: The trees are in their autumn beauty,The woodlands paths are dry,Under the October twilight the waterMirrors a still sky;Upon the brimming water among the stonesAre nine-and-fifty swans.The nineteenth autumn has come upon meSince I first made my count;I saw, before I had well finished,All suddenly mountAnd scatter wheeling in great broken ringsUpon their clamorous wings.I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,And now my heart is sore.All's changed since I, hearing at twilight,The first time on this shoreThe bell-beat of their wings above my head,Trod with a lighter tread.Unwearied still, lover by lover,They paddle in the coldCompanionable streams or climb the air;Their hearts have not grown old;Passion or conquest, wander where they will,Attend upon them still.But now they drift on the still water,Mysterious, beautiful;Among what rushes will they build,By what lake's edge or poolDelight men's eyes when I awake some dayTo find they have flown away?

