
  • 类型:经典片地区:日本年份:2018
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:堀口奈津美
  • 导演:内详
  • 简介:美麗醫師人妻泣不成聲,我的人生全完了,老公在醫院發生了手術醫療事故,醫院說主刀醫生要負全責,人妻從軀體內發出一股恐懼的..详细>




该片给我很大的震撼,因为一次避孕手术而毁了整个生活太让人心有戚戚,肠子流出下体也是我作为一个女生万不敢去想的可怕画面。但即使作为一个学术垃圾,也会在同情片中受害者的同时觉察到片中很多观点似乎具有太明显的倾向性,“给我你的参考文献和数据”。作为记录片光靠讲故事是很难说服人的。同时我们也知道,生活中没有百分之百的事情,更别说在医学领域中,即使打个喷嚏也有丧命的可能,而医学的发展却不能因噎废食,要看研究者是否有足够的投入和人道主义精神,要看政府机构时候有进行严格周全的审查,要看厂家是否对医生进行了详尽有效的培训,要看医生是否将必须的治疗步骤准确实行,是否将可能的风险明确告知,要看风险出现后社会的保障机制。这个体系是非常庞大而复杂的。这部片子给我的感觉,他的论调是“这些厂家只是为了敛财而不断推出新的医疗器械,在明知其严重危害的情况下还将其投入市场,而那些FDA的审查人员也是敷衍了事,他们和医疗公司沆瀣一气,利用职位便利相互输送利益,都是狼心狗肺的东西”。现实生活中可能确实存在这种阴暗事实,但如此强烈的指控倾向让我在最初的震撼之后感到有些不适,这不是一个足够客观的纪录片。你可以说“在这些人身上,我们发现,在一件创新器械的研发和使用过程中仍然存在诸多问题,研发到使用需要大量的临床实验来发现可能提前无法预知的问题,审查方式尚且有所欠缺,厂家对医生的培训不够,医生在手术的操作中可能出现问题,这些风险即使被提前告知,但对于个体来说,0.1%的风险落在一个人身上就是100%,我们表达对这种情况的悲悯,呼吁医疗公司和政府监管更加严肃的承担起他们的责任。”去找了拜耳的回应,以下是我顺手做的翻译练习,括号内加粗语句是我自己的想法,仅帮助自己理解,所有内容与拜耳无关,原文会贴在本文最后,请感兴趣的大家对照阅读。翻译文本:拜耳关于Netflix《The Bleeding Edge》的情况说明书WHIPPANY, N.J., July 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/拜耳今日发布了关于《The Bleeding Edge》的情况说明书,这部纪录片于7月27日在Netflix首映,有大量内容涉及到了Essure。Essure曾是FDA批准的唯一一种无创的永久避孕形式,而现在却成了纽约时报、CBS新闻及其他媒体的报道主题。该情况说明书基于拜耳对该片在2018年4月21日Tribeca电影节版本的评论,意在鼓励大家对于Essure进行基于科学的讨论。拜耳提醒已植入Essure的女性,该设备仍然安全有效,从未改变。作为女性健康领域的领导者,拜耳坚信广大女性和他们的医生制定生育健康决策都应该基于可靠的科学支持。但是相反,《The Bleeding Edge》中的Esuure形象非常缺乏科学支持,即使拜耳在影片完成前就向制片方提供了大量关于Essure的科学信息。该影片大量基于个人故事和有选择性的信息来呈现提前预设出来的Essure形象,而完全无视了那些可以支持FDA做出的“Essure的益处大于其风险”决议的科学证据,和该设备的警告声明。同时,该影片还大量依赖于很多矛盾的信息源,而隐藏了他们潜在的偏向性。这对于有赖于Essure来保障其生殖健康的广大女性来说是一种伤害,这可能会鼓励她们去移除该设备,这样她们就要承担风险和不必要的手术伤害。(拜耳曾向制片方提供相关科学证明但并未被提及;片中也并未提及拜耳对于该产品提出的警告声明;这种言之凿凿的引导会让其他正常使用的女性试图通过手术移除设备,从而可能带来不必要的痛苦和其他风险)值得注意的是,关于Essure,该片的唯一科学数据来源于发表在JAMA杂志的“the 2018 Bouillon study”,而片中展示的部分其实是该片的制片方脱离了上下文的断章取义。纵观全文,该研究其实恰恰驳斥了该片所树立的Essure形象。该第三方研究对比了植入Essure的女性和接受了输卵管结扎的女性,他们发现,不论是术后一年还是术后三年,所有影片中提到的Essure带来疼痛和子宫切除,其实在使用Essure的女性身上出现的概率要低于输卵管结扎的女性。该研究的作者总结道:“这些发现并不支持与宫腔镜手术相关的方法(例如Essure)会带来医疗风险提高。”制片方对于该重要结论绝口不提,显然是因为这与他们预设的观点相矛盾,这确实会引起大家对于该片客观性和准确性的怀疑。(该片援引相关研究却断章取义,对与自身设定相反的研究结论避而不谈)而Essure相关的科学证据总共包含了40篇已发表论文,包括对200000名女性长达20年的跟进,并且证明了Essure的安全性和有效性,而这些在影片中并未提及。而且FDA也没有改变他们关于“Essure的益处大于其潜在风险”的结论。(Essure的有效性基于大量的研究报道)该片对于Essure的大部分观点都是基于对该设备有所担忧的女性的故事,而并非科学讨论。拜耳对任何有关其药品或设备的关心都十分重视。并且,值得注意的是,该片有没涉及到任何一位对Essure满意的女性。这个省略很重要,因为在为期3,6,12,18,24,36,48和60个月二期实验和关键性临床试验的随访中,将配有Essure的舒适度评级为“良好”或“优秀”的女性不低于99%。而在临床实验中,五年后反馈体验在“及格”到“非常满意”区间内的女性高于97%。该数据总结在FDA在the 2015 Advisory Committee会前的执行摘要中。任何关于该片和Essure的讨论都不能避开“移除”问题,这也正是该片中多数女性讨论的重点。该片对于这一关键点并没有给以足够的重视。向广大女性传播关于Essure的不准确甚至误导性的信息,或是鼓励她们通过摘除子宫来移除该设备,是一种潜在的重大公共安全事件,因为这会误导那些配有Essure的女性想办法移除它,这是不必要的,反而会导致新的,额外的健康问题。更重要的是,引起关注的子宫切除术其实与Essure的使用说明并不相符,使用说明中提到“Essure的移除一般不需要进行子宫切除”,并在说明书中给出了其他方法。该使用说明是基于科学/临床数据和全球医学专家的意见制定的。拜耳强烈建议配有Essure的女性,如果有任何问题和担忧请咨询专业的内科医生。(片中很多女性采用子宫切除来移除设备,这不是使用说明推荐的方法)《The Bleeding Edge》还有赖于一些人来解释和证实他们关于Essure的故事,而该片其实隐藏了一些矛盾之处,这对于观众评价这些人和该片的可行度来说至关重要。例如,心理学家Diana Zuckerman在本片出境,她在批评Essure的论坛中十分著名。她在the 2015 FDA Advisory Committee会议中反对Essure,并在同年参加了由批评Essure的宣传组组织的另一场会议。并且她作为付费专家参加了至少一起针对Essure的诉讼,这是纽约时报在2018年7月20确定的内容,而在本片中并未提及。同样的,Madris Tomes在本片中作为独立专家出现,但其实她也有很长一段时间和反Essure小组一起工作,并且在今年二月的会议上加入了他们。2016年5月9日,由律师事务所Unglesby + Williams公布的一则有关Essure的新闻称她受Unglesby + Williams雇佣。这件反对Essure的工作并未在本片中提及。本片还采访了Dr. Julio Novoa,但是观众并不知道的是,他一直很激进的推荐女性采取手术方法移除Essure,并且他在其中还有经济利益。此外,Dr. Julio Novoa并不是受到职业认证的妇产科医师,并且从未接受过Essure相关的产品培训。(以上列举了三位出境专家,说明他们一直以来都有反对Essure的倾向,而且都在这种反对中有不同形式的获利,这个Dr. Julio Novoa并不是受到职业认证的妇产科医师,并且从未接受过Essure相关的产品培训我真是惊呆。)本片还略去了任何关于已获FDA批准的使用说明的内容。该使用说明向医生提供了关于该产品的重要信息,并包含了Essure可能导致的潜在风险的细节。例如,使用说明超过20次提及到了潜在的穿孔风险,还包括很多关于疼痛、过敏和超敏反应,这些都是基于Essure的科学数据。(拜耳在使用说明中明确列举了该设备的潜在风险,并要求医生向患者说明)该片的其他内容也并不真实,只是为了让Essure显得不安全或/和无效。例子之一就是对Essure的2002 FDA Advisory Committee meeting部分的误导性和选择性的剪辑。该片称委员会成员拿严重不良事件的可能性开玩笑。他们其实没有做这样的事情。咨询委员会在那一部分甚至并没有提及不良事件或是Essure的安全性。所有的科学证据,临床试验和超过20年的科学和临床经验都依然支持Essure的益处大于其风险,并且在依赖Essure进行避孕的病人中,其有效率达到了99.3%。(片中最令人对FDA审查制度胆寒的开会片段真实性存疑)Essure是一种创新型的三级医疗器械,经过了FDA的RMA审查,这也是该机构对医疗器械最严格的审查方式。自Essure在2002年投入使用以来,该机构还在原有基础上对Essure进行了48项补充审批并认证了其安全性。在2018年7月20日,拜耳宣布其决定自2018年12月31日起自愿停止Essure作为永久避孕方案在美国的销售和推广。这项决定基于近年Essure在美国销售额的下降和Essure业务不可持续的结论。造成Essure在美销量下滑的因素有很多,包括永久避孕法的使用率下降,而其他避孕方法例如长效可逆的避孕法的增加,以及对该设备不准确和误导性的宣传(例如The Bleeding Edge)等。重要的是,Essure的利弊性是没有改变的,而且拜耳坚持认可该产品的安全性和有效性。(Essure退出市场不是安全问题,而是因为其他避孕方法更受欢迎,或是类似本片的负面宣传对公众的误导导致销量不佳)关于EssureEssure通过造成输卵管堵塞来帮助女性实现永久避孕(女性绝育)重要安全信息警告:一些采用Essure进行永久避孕的病人经历了一些不良事件,包括子宫和/或输卵管穿孔,植入物进入腹腔或盆腔,持续疼痛,以及疑似过敏或超敏反应。如果需要移除设备来解决这些不良事件,则需要进行手术。这些信息应该在讨论Essure的益处和风险时向有意采用该设备的病人说明。Essure不适用与以下情况:不确定是否要永久绝育,疑似怀孕,只能植入一支Essure,已经结扎,已知对显影剂过敏,不愿意进行Essure确认测试,有不明阴道出血,或是女性生殖器官疑似或已知患有癌症。以下情况则应暂缓植入Essure:过去6周内已经怀孕,患有妇科感染,或是正处于经期后半期。以下情况应向医生说明:正在服用免疫抑制剂药物,确认或可能对金属、聚酯纤维、镍、钛、铂、银-锡或不锈钢等Essure成分过敏,正在使用IUD进行避孕,过去做过或未来考虑通过子宫内膜切除来减少子宫出血。警告:请在进行Essure植入前确定您已经生过孩子,因为Essure是一种永久性的绝育方案。警告:你需要同时采用其他方法来避孕,直到通过Essure确认测试(手术3个月后),并且你的医生明确告诉你可以完全依赖Essure来避孕。对一些女性来说,Essure生效时间可能大于3个月,需要在6个月时重新进行确认。和你的医生讨论在这段时间你应该采用什么方式避孕。如果你在受到确认之前就完全依赖Essure进行避孕,那你会有怀孕的风险。在手术中:在市场前调研中,部分女性(9.3%)经历了轻度到中度的疼痛。你的医生可能不能正确的进行植入。在少数病例中,Essure在植入中可能会发生部分破碎。如果发生破碎,在适当情况下,你的医生会移除这些碎片。在使用子宫镜、Essure或其他器械时,有可能造成子宫或输卵管穿孔。在市场前调研中,Essure植入造成的穿孔发生率为1.8%。穿孔可能会导致肠道或膀胱出血或受伤,可能会需要手术治疗。你的医生可能会建议采用局部麻醉。向你的医生咨询这种麻醉的风险。术后:一些女性经历了轻度到中度疼痛(12.9%)和/或痉挛(29.6%),阴道出血(6.8%),及盆腔或背部不适。一些女性出现了头痛,恶心和/或呕吐(10.8%),头晕和/或晕倒。在术后应该安排人照顾你。在极少数病例中,Essure可能会被排出体外。在Essure确认测试中:测试需要照X光,你可能会暴露在低剂量的辐射中,大部分是X射线。一些女性会出现恶心和/或呕吐,头晕和/或晕倒,痉挛,疼痛或不适。在极少数病例中,有些女性可能会留疤或感染。长期风险:在Essure植入后可能会出现不同程度及持续时间的疼痛(急性或持续性),更有可能出现在有疼痛史的女性身上。也有病例中出现Essure被植入到腹腔和盆腔下部。若出现这种情况,你将不能依赖Essure进行避孕。对该设备成分过敏的病人可能会经历过敏反应。此外,一些病人可能会在术后出现对镍或其他设备成分的过敏反应。过敏反应的症状可能包括荨麻疹,皮疹,肿胀和瘙痒。尚无有效的测试来语言谁会对该植入发生反应。没有哪种避孕方法是100%有效的。Essure植入后也可能会发生宫外孕。这会危及生命。如果需要移除植入物,则需要进行手术。Essure的安全性和有效性尚未在21岁以下或45岁以上的妇女中确立。Essure不能预防艾滋病毒或其他性传播疾病。仅限处方。重要信息注意:联邦法律限制这种设备只能在医生的指导下销售;仅供具备子宫镜知识的医生使用;阅读并理解使用说明书和医师培训手册;并成功完成Essure培训项目,包括指导实习直至能力建立,通常为5例。本设备的销售和分发仅限于用户和/或以拜耳提供的批准标签中规定的形式和方式向患者提供有关本设备的风险和益处的信息的用户和机构。和你的医生谈谈Essure并讨论它是否适合你。在决定进行Essure手术之前,与医生一起检查患者信息手册中的患者-医生讨论清单。拜耳是一家全球性的企业,在医疗保健和农业生命科学领域拥有核心竞争力。其产品和服务旨在造福人民,提高人民的生活质量。与此同时,集团的目标是通过创新、增长和高盈利能力来创造价值。拜耳致力于可持续发展的原则,以及作为企业公民的社会和道德责任。2017财年,集团员工约99800人,销售额为350亿欧元。资本支出达24亿欧元,研发支出达45亿欧元。更多信息,请访问www.bayer.us。拜耳原文: Bayer United States of America Bayer Fact Checks Netflix's The Bleeding EdgeWHIPPANY, N.J., July 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Bayer today released a Fact Check of The Bleeding Edge, which premieres on Netflix on July 27, devotes significant time to Essure, the only FDA-approved non-incisional form of permanent birth control, and is now the subject of media coverage by The New York Times, CBS News, and others. This Fact Check is based on Bayer's review of the film's premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2018 and is intended to encourage a science-based conversation about Essure. Bayer also is reminding women with Essure that the safety profile of the device remains positive and unchanged.(PRNewsfoto/Bayer)As a leader in women's healthcare, Bayer believes strongly that women and their physicians should make reproductive health decisions based on sound science. In contrast, the portrayal of Essure in The Bleeding Edge lacks scientific support, despite the fact that Bayer provided the producers with extensive scientific information on Essure before the completion of the film. The film presents an inaccurate and misleading picture of Essure by relying almost entirely on anecdotes, cherry-picking information to fit a predetermined conclusion, ignoring the full body of scientific evidence that supports the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) determination that Essure's benefits outweigh its risks and disregarding the appropriate warnings that accompany the device. The film also relies on many conflicted sources without disclosing their potential biases. This does a disservice to the thousands of women who rely on Essure for their reproductive health, as it may encourage them to pursue risky and unnecessary surgery to remove the device.Notably, the film's only reference to scientific data regarding Essure is the 2018 Bouillon study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association ("JAMA"), which its producers cite out of context and portray in its least favorable light. Taken as a whole, the study actually undermines the central premise of the film's representation of Essure. The independently funded research compared women with Essure to those who had tubal ligation surgery, the only other method of permanent birth control, and found that many of the concerns described in the film with regard to Essure -- pain (analgesic use) and hysterectomy -- were lower in Essure patients than in tubal ligation patients at both one and three years post procedure. The authors of the study concluded: "These findings do not support increased medical risks associated with hysteroscopic sterilization [e.g., Essure]." The decision by the filmmakers to exclude highly relevant conclusions from a study they cited, apparently because they conflict with their desired narrative, do raise serious concerns about the objectivity and accuracy of the movie.The totality of scientific evidence, which was not discussed in the film, includes 40 published studies involving approximately 200,000 women over two decades, and demonstrates the safety and efficacy of Essure, which has remained consistent over time. The FDA also has not changed its conclusion that Essure's benefits outweigh any potential risks. Most of the movie's focus on Essure is told not through science, but rather through the stories of women who reported concerns about the device. Bayer takes any concerns regarding its medicines and devices seriously. Still, it is notable that not a single woman who is satisfied with Essure is included in the film. This omission is important because in the Phase II and Pivotal trials at follow up time points of three, six, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months, at least 99% of women were reported to have rated comfort of wearing the Essure inserts as "good" or "excellent." In the Pivotal trial, at least 97% of women were reported to be "somewhat" to "very satisfied" at all visits through five years. This is summarized in FDA's executive summary prepared in advance of the 2015 Advisory Committee.No discussion of the movie and Essure should ignore the issue of removal, which most women featured in the film discuss. The film provides no balance on this important topic. Providing women with inaccurate or misleading information about the safety of Essure, or encouraging removal via hysterectomy, is potentially a serious public health issue as it may lead women with Essure to unnecessarily seek removal, and can result in new or additional health problems. Moreover, the singular focus on hysterectomy is inconsistent with Essure's FDA-approved Instructions for Use (IFU), which state that "hysterectomy generally is not required to remove the Essure inserts" as there are other methods identified in the IFU. The IFU is based on scientific/clinical data and opinions from medical experts worldwide. Bayer strongly encourages women with Essure who have questions or concerns to consult with their physicians.The Bleeding Edge also relies on a number of sources to explain and validate its story regarding Essure, but the movie does not disclose conflicts that are essential for viewers to fully evaluate the credibility of these individuals and the film. For instance, psychologist Diana Zuckerman appeared in the film and is well known in the Essure critics community. She spoke at the 2015 FDA Advisory Committee meeting arguing against Essure and participated in another meeting that same year with the FDA organized by an advocacy group that has been critical of Essure. She has also served as a paid expert in litigation for at least one Essure plaintiff, a fact confirmed by The New York Times on July 20, 2018, but not disclosed in the film.Similarly, Madris Tomes is presented as an independent expert in the film, but she also has a long history working with an anti-Essure advocacy group and joined them in congressional meetings in February of this year. A May 9, 2016, press release by a plaintiff law firm involved in the Essure litigation, Unglesby + Williams, reported on Tomes' work on Essure and described her as someone who was "hired by Unglesby + Williams." Again, this litigation-related work against Essure is not disclosed in the film.Dr. Julio Novoa was also interviewed in the film, but viewers were not told that he aggressively markets surgery to women to remove Essure and has a financial interest in recommending removal of the product. Dr. Novoa is not a board-certified OB-GYN and has never been trained on the Essure procedure.The film also omits any mention of the FDA-approved Instructions For Use (IFU), which provide doctors with important information about the product and include detailed references to the potential risks for Essure. For example, the IFU mentions the potential risk of perforation more than 20 times, contains multiple references to pain and allergic or hypersensitivity reactions – all based on Essure data.Other content in the film is completely misrepresented in order to make Essure appear unsafe, ineffective or both. One example is the inclusion of a misleading and selectively edited portion of the Essure 2002 FDA Advisory Committee meeting, which recommended the approval of the device. The movie suggests that members of the committee joked about the possibility of serious adverse events. They did no such thing. The Advisory Committee was not even discussing adverse events or the safety of Essure in that portion of the meeting. The full body of scientific evidence, clinical trials and more than two decades of science and real world clinical experience continues to support the positive benefit/risk profile of Essure and its strong efficacy of 99.3% in patients who chose to rely on Essure for birth control.****Essure is an innovative Class III medical device that was approved under FDA's Premarket Approval (PMA) review, the agency's most rigorous pathway for medical devices. Since the initial application for Essure was approved in 2002, the agency has continued to review and approve Essure's safety and efficacy through 48 supplements to the original application.On July 20, 2018, Bayer announced that it had made a business decision to voluntarily discontinue sales and distribution of the Essure System for Permanent Birth Control in the United States after December 31, 2018. This decision is based on a decline in U.S. sales of Essure in recent years and the conclusion that the Essure business is no longer sustainable. Several factors have contributed to declining interest in Essure among women in the U.S., including decreased use of permanent contraception overall, increased reliance on other birth control options, such as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), and inaccurate or misleading publicity about the device, such as The Bleeding Edge. Notably, the benefit-risk profile of Essure has not changed, and Bayer continues to stand behind the product's safety and efficacy.About EssureEssure is indicated for women who desire permanent birth control (female sterilization) by blocking the fallopian tubes.Important Safety InformationWARNING: Some patients implanted with the Essure System for Permanent Birth Control have experienced and/or reported adverse events, including perforation of the uterus and/or fallopian tubes, identification of inserts in the abdominal or pelvic cavity, persistent pain, and suspected allergic or hypersensitivity reactions. If the device needs to be removed to address such an adverse event, a surgical procedure will be required. This information should be shared with patients considering sterilization with the Essure System of Permanent Birth Control during discussion of the benefits and risks of the device.Essure is not right for you if you are uncertain about ending your fertility, suspect you are pregnant, can have only one insert placed, have had your tubes tied, have a known allergy to contrast dye, are unwilling to undergo the Essure Confirmation Test, have unexplained vaginal bleeding, or have suspected or known cancer of the female reproductive organs.You should delay having the Essure procedure if you are or have been pregnant within the past 6 weeks, have an active gynecological infection, or are in the second half of your menstrual cycle.Tell your doctor if you are taking immunosuppressants, have, or think that you may have, a history of metal allergies, or an allergy to polyester fibers, nickel, titanium, platinum, silver-tin, or stainless steel or any other components of the Essure system, are currently using an IUD for contraception, or have had or are considering a procedure to reduce bleeding from the uterus such as endometrial ablation.WARNING: Be sure you are done having children before you undergo the Essure procedure. Essure is a permanent method of birth control.WARNING: You must continue to use another form of birth control until you have your Essure Confirmation Test (3 months after the procedure) and your doctor tells you that you can rely on Essure for birth control. For some women, it may take longer than 3 months for Essure to be effective, requiring a repeat confirmation test at 6 months. Talk to your doctor about which method of birth control you should use during this period. If you rely on Essure for birth control before receiving confirmation from your doctor, you are at risk of getting pregnant.During the Procedure: In the premarketing study, some women experienced mild to moderate pain (9.3%). Your doctor may be unable to place one or both Essure inserts correctly. In rare cases, part of an Essure insert may break off during placement. If breakage occurs, your doctor will remove the piece, if appropriate. There is a risk of perforation of the uterus or fallopian tube by the hysteroscope, Essure system or other instruments used during the procedure. In the original premarket studies, perforation due to the Essure insert occurred in 1.8% of women. A perforation may lead to bleeding or injury to bowel or bladder, which may require surgery. Your doctor may recommend a local anesthesia. Ask your doctor about the risks associated with this type of anesthesia.Immediately Following the Procedure: In the premarketing study, some women experienced mild to moderate pain (12.9%) and/or cramping (29.6%), vaginal bleeding (6.8%), and pelvic or back discomfort for a few days. Some women experience headaches, nausea and/or vomiting (10.8%), or dizziness and/or fainting. You should arrange to have someone take you home after the procedure. In rare instances, an Essure insert may be expelled from the body.During the Essure Confirmation Test: As one of the Essure Confirmation Tests (a modified HSG) requires an x-ray, you may be exposed to very low levels of radiation, as with most x-rays, if this test is used. Some women may experience nausea and/or vomiting, dizziness and/or fainting, cramping, pain or discomfort. In rare instances, women may experience spotting and/or infection.Long-term Risks: Pain (acute or persistent) of varying intensity and length of time may occur and continue following Essure placement. This is also more likely to occur in women with a history of pain. There are reports of an Essure insert being located in the lower abdomen and pelvis. If this occurs, you cannot rely on Essure for birth control. Patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the Essure system may experience an allergic reaction to the insert. In addition, some patients may develop an allergy to nickel or other components of the insert following placement. Symptoms reported in women using Essure that may be associated with an allergic reaction include hives, rash, swelling and itching. There is no reliable test to predict who may develop a reaction to the inserts. No birth control method is 100% effective. Ectopic pregnancies (pregnancy outside the uterus) may occur with Essure. This can be life-threatening. If insert removal is indicated, surgery will be necessary.The safety and effectiveness of Essure has not been established in women under 21 or over 45 years old.Essure does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.Prescription OnlyIMPORTANT Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. Device to be used only by physicians who are knowledgeable hysteroscopists; have read and understood the Instructions for Use and Physician Training Manual; and have successfully completed the Essure training program, including preceptoring in placement until competency is established, typically 5 cases.The sale and distribution of this device are restricted to users and/or user facilities that provide information to patients about the risks and benefits of this device in the form and manner specified in the approved labeling provided by Bayer.Talk to your doctor about Essure and whether it is right for you. Review the Patient-Doctor Discussion Checklist in the Patient Information Booklet with your doctor before deciding to have the Essure procedure.About BayerBayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of health care and agriculture. Its products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time, the Group aims to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable development and to its social and ethical responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In fiscal 2017, the Group employed around 99,800 people and had sales of EUR 35.0 billion. Capital expenditures amounted to EUR 2.4 billion, R&D expenses to EUR 4.5 billion. For more information, go to www.bayer.us.# # #© 2018 BayerBayer and the Bayer Cross are registered trademarks of Bayer.文章来源: https://www.bayer.us/en/newsroom/press-releases/article/?id=123231
